The best kindergarten

Why kindergarten? Little World Children

The “Kleine Weltkinder” day care center is located in the multicultural capital of Berlin, where people of different backgrounds, cultures and religions have their home.
Children here grow up early in a heterogeneous society, which is why intercultural education and pedagogy play a very important role with us. The life worlds as well as the biographies of all children, their parents, and their families are at the center of our pedagogical work.
The kindergarten children are sensitized to the diversity of the world and learn to treat each other with respect and without prejudice.
Language support is the key to good education and integration.

The best kindergarten

Welcome to kindergarten Little World Children Family

We have a unique program that helps every child adapt quickly and feel at home. We also help every child find their own path. Become a person, be happy, and change the world for the better.

The best kindergarten

Welcome to kindergarten Little World Children Family

We have a unique program that helps every child adapt quickly and feel at home. We also help every child find their own path. Become a person, be happy, and change the world for the better.

  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h4"> Liebevolle Betreuung </span>
    Loving care
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h4"> Qualitative Bildung </span>
    Quality education
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h4"> Kooperative Elternarbeit </span>
    Cooperative parent work

Who we are

  • The "Kleine Weltkinder" daycare center offers 25 childcare places for boys and girls aged 0 to school entry, including integration places. The childcare places are divided into 12 places in the baby area and 13 places in the kindergarten area. The children have access to four rooms and a play area. In addition, the daycare center has a terrace for the common use of both groups.
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> Gruppen </span>
    Groups Crib area „Star group“
    Elementary/Preschool Moon Group
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> Pädagogischer Ansatz </span>
    Pedagogical approach Berlin educational program
    Situation approach
    Language development
    Inclusion / integration

Our groups

Star group
0-3 years
  • Protection for infants and young children
  • Individual adaptation
  • Empathy, Acceptance, Appreciation
  • Successful parenting partnership
  • Functional rooms according to the Berlin education program
  • Diverse materials and offerings
  • Holistic development
Elementar/ Vorschule
Elementary/Pre-school Moon Group
3-6 years
  • Balanced age distribution in groups
  • Spaces designed as a place for learning
  • Diverse materials and play opportunities
  • Learning through social experiences
  • Language development
  • Preparing for school through various activities
  • Successful transition from daycare to elementary school

Daily routine

  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 06.00 </span>
    06.00 Arrival of the children
    The first children arrive
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 06.00- 08.30	 </span>
    06.00- 08.30 Free play
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 08.30- 09.30 </span>
    08.30- 09.30 Shared breakfast
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 09.30- 10.00 </span>
    09.30- 10.00 Morning circle
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 10.00- 12.00	 </span>
    10.00- 12.00 Educational activities
    Free play
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 12.00- 13.00 </span>
    12.00- 13.00 Lunch
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 13.00- 14.30 </span>
    13.00- 14.30 Afternoon nap
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 14.30- 15.00 </span>
    14.30- 15.00 Vesper
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 15.00- 17.00 </span>
    15.00- 17.00 Free play time
    Educational activities
    Pick-up time
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 17.00 </span>
    17.00 Daycare center closes

What are we eating?


  • Fresh bread and rolls
  • Cheese, sausage and eggs
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Dried fruits and nuts
  • milk, tea and water
  • Muesli, cornflakes and yoghurt options
  • Jam, honey and butter spreads


  • soup of the day
  • Nutritious main course
  • Various vegetable side dishes
  • Freshly baked bread
  • Fruit or dessert
  • Organic - certified ingredients

Obst- und Vesper

  • Smoothies with no added sugar
  • water and tea
  • We value a healthy and balanced diet 
  • We pay attention to all culturally determined dietary rules (halal / vegetarian)
  • We take into account dietary restrictions for health or personal reasons


  • Wholemeal bread, brown bread, wholemeal crackers or crispbread
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables cut into child-friendly sizes
  • Cheese sticks, cubes or cream cheese with wholemeal crackers
  • Cheese, butter or sesame sticks
  • Yoghurt with fruit and muesli

Call now

030/ 314 845 80

What We offer

Our advantages

  • Modern toys Modern toys offer our daycare children the opportunity to promote their motor and cognitive skills in a playful way.
  • Interesting learning We offer interesting learning opportunities that awaken and promote children's curiosity and enthusiasm.
  • Large bright rooms Our daycare center offers large, bright rooms that provide children with ample space for movement and play.
  • Delicious & healthy food Delicious & Healthy Food is not only good for the body, but also for the soul.

  • Fenced area Das Kita-Gelände ist sicher und geschützt durch einen Zaun umgeben, um den Kindern ein sicheres Umfeld zu bieten und Eltern die Gewissheit zu geben, dass ihre Kinder geschützt sind.

Our photos

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