Settling-in period

Settling-in period

Transitions are not easy phases for children. These include, among other things, the transition from family to daycare, from daycare to preschool, or from preschool to elementary school. Each child is unique and needs space and time for acclimatization. A flexible period of at least four to six weeks should be planned for this. In order to make the start of kindergarten as pleasant as possible, we work according to the Berlin adaptation model (INFANS). The Berlin adaptation model is divided into three phases: the basic phase, the stabilization phase, and the final phase. In the basic phase, the caregiver accompanies the child to the facility and slowly builds contact. This phase usually lasts three days. On the fourth day, the parent removes themselves from the group room after saying goodbye to the child. However, they remain nearby in case they are needed in the group room. The first separation determines the duration of the adaptation period. In the final phase, the child stays in the daycare for several hours and has formed a first emotional bond with the pedagogical specialist. The parents are always available for emergencies during this time. The child is given enough time to internalize the daily routine and becomes increasingly confident in the group. Upon agreement with us, parents have the opportunity to observe in the daycare before registering their child. In admission interviews, we introduce the parents to our adaptation concept in detail and make specific agreements with them. The educators receive important information from the parents about the child's diet, sleeping habits, and play behavior. This information is documented in the language learning diary and is the cornerstone for the child's educational biography. They make it easier for educators to understand and perceive the needs of the children. In the best case, transition phases can thus be accompanied in a gentle and loving way.