Daily routine

Daily routine

A well-structured and organized daily routine helps children to orient themselves and confidently navigate their day through this routine. Repeated daily routines give children a sense of security and trust. We offer children various opportunities according to their needs. The following daily routine is an example of how a day is organized in our facility.



Daily routine

  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 06.00 </span>
    06.00 Arrival of the children
    The first children arrive
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 06.00- 08.30	 </span>
    06.00- 08.30 Free play
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 08.30- 09.30 </span>
    08.30- 09.30 Shared breakfast
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 09.30- 10.00 </span>
    09.30- 10.00 Morning circle
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 10.00- 12.00	 </span>
    10.00- 12.00 Educational activities
    Free play
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 12.00- 13.00 </span>
    12.00- 13.00 Lunch
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 13.00- 14.30 </span>
    13.00- 14.30 Afternoon nap
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 14.30- 15.00 </span>
    14.30- 15.00 Vesper
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 15.00- 17.00 </span>
    15.00- 17.00 Free play time
    Educational activities
    Pick-up time
  •  <span class="lte-header lte-h6"> 17.00 </span>
    17.00 Daycare center closes